Saturday, June 19, 2010
Just because I haven't posted in four days
Scavenger hunt tonight. It was pretty crazy. Had us running all over town. We finished 2nd for finding all the clues, but they still have to tally the total points for the pictures to see who wins. I believe the prize is movie tickets. I would love to go see Toy Story 3. It better be awesome.
Post office fail x2 today. Followed GPS to a nonexistent post office. Then, after paying 50 cents to park for like 5 min, found out the post office (which was located in a big office building??) closed at 5. And you know how in Oviedo, you can waltz in any time of the day to buy stamps? Even when it is closed? Yea, doesn't work like that here. So my thank you post cards have yet to be mailed. Sorry everyone, I'm horrible with that!
I'm fairly tired, so I'll be laying down soon. I'm running on about four hours right now. Tomorrow is the homeless ministry with Christ Fellowship. Pretty excited to be able to help out. A little nervous about the unknown.
Whoever reads this, will you pray for me? For the Holy Spirit to take control of my life and thoughts and motives. I've got a few situations and decisions to deal with and they're not easy. In everything trying to remember, that self worth does NOT equal performance + other's opinion's but rather self worth is determined by Jesus Christ. And he says I'm fully pleasing and through trusting in him righteous.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
3 a.m. comes quick!
I knew it was coming. I tried settling down as soon as Women's time was over and I had a quick talk with my good friend Sam. I went to my room, took a shower, got ready for bed. The people practicing music for the next day graciously agreed to end their practice within the next 15 min. I laid down, the lights were off. Everything was still. An hour-ish later, I was still there, trying to sleep but I couldn't!
I felt the pressure to sleep. I knew 3 a.m. would come fast!
Why so early you ask?
I asked myself that very thing...
The answer was simple: floor sets.
At Calvin Klein, we were scheduled to come in and take part in the once-a-month rearrangement of the store. It was quite the experience being on the road at 3:25. It was strange to see people roaming the streets, and some people clearly not in their right minds, whether due to substance abuse or otherwise. We were definitely the first car in the parking lot, and the environment was eerily resemblant to a scene from Dawn of the Dead. A vacant mall. A silent parking lot with abandoned shopping carts. The set up was perfect. We all felt a little sketched out.
Work went by pretty quickly. Eating lunch around 7:30 was a little odd.
But I got to buy some jeans today which was great. $12.50. Hollerrrr associate's discount!
Yesterday was another adventure in sharing my faith. We went to Miami-Dade College, Kendall campus. Campus Crusade for Christ is not a registered student organization on that campus for reasons unbeknownst to me. So I was a littel weary and/or cautious going on the campus because one staff had mentioned that if security came up to you, to just be cool, etc. And that you should carry a back pack to "blend in". This had me a little leery.
But we ended up having some really good conversations. We used solarium again ( and the Knowing God Personally booklet ( as a tool to help explain the Gospel. The first girl we talked to was just sitting by herself so Alana and I sat down to eat lunch with her. We talked and learned of her interest in Asian studies and how she planed to move to Asia and work in the embassy. She was from Peru and I found it interesting that the biggest difference between here and there, she said, was that here, she could breath the air. Amazing what we take for granted. She agreed to do the picture survey with us, and we were able to share the Gospel, but she wasn't ready to make a definitive decision for Christ at that time. Which I think is ok. It's the biggest decision one will make in a lifetime, so one should have a full understanding of it and reflect before jumping in.
Another girl, who said she came from a Catholic background but hadn't been to church since her first communion, seemed to agree somewhat with what we were saying, but had to leave for class so we couldn't discuss the Gospel further. She seemed to consider herself a Christian, but I' not sure if she really understood having a relationship with Jesus, which was hard to see. We gave her the KGP and she went on her way.
Lastly, after meeting at the "Food Spot" (MDC's awkward-looking high school cafeteria thing) and switching groups/partners, Jodie, Eric M. and I were off. We talked to this man named Gabriel (interesting namesake, considering the angel Gabriel announced the birth of Christ, and here were we announcing Christ to this man). He was very open, yet very questioning and confused about all the religions. He was skeptical of the fact that churches, he said, seemed to be all about money, and having a good face, and a good priest that would attract big crowds. Can't say I disagree with him there. He said he knew there was something out there bigger than ourselves but didn't know what. He said he prayed to God, but was still confused. We shared the Gospel with him and and explained that going to church (as he had mentioned a few times) does nothing for making a person good or bad, nor does it have any effect on salvation, nor any bearing on our eternity. We explained that it is by grace alone, through faith, that one comes to God. Through the gift of Jesus Christ we can come to God. We aren't trying to reach up anymore through feeble attempts at being a good person, rather GOD has reached down to us.
As we went through the KGP, he said he acknowledged that he was on the throne of his life, and said he wanted Christ to have that position. He wasnt' ready to make a decision right there, but I dont' think Gabriel is far from the kingdom of God. We gave him the KGP booklet and Eric and I gave him our phone numbers and invited him to call if he had any questions or wanted to discuss the matter further. It was really cool being able to share with someone who was so intently seeking the truth.
Tonight we will have our Cru night or whatever. We eat together at 6 at Christ Fellowship and then have Cru (aka worship and message). It's not my idea of "Cru"/weekly meeting coming from UCF's One80, but I am being open to the purpose of this meeting, which is to build up the project spiritually. It's been tough trying to stay positive sometimes, with some much change, including the stress and difficulty of work, but it's something I need God to help me do, because my actions and attitude effect others. God is helping me do that I think.
This is getting much too long, but I just wanted to mention that last night for men's and women's time, we each had a panel come in and do a Q and A session. Men staff went to the women's time, and women staff graced the men with their presence. Anyway, that was really good. And deep. Really made me think and consider my past, but more importantly, my future.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Light in Darkness
"When you girls came here, I could tell there was something special about you. You had a 'light'. You are angels coming to a very dark environment".
Whoa! This was what one of my coworkers, Mario, said to me last Tuesday. We are getting passed the awkward, "hi, I'm Leah" stage, to the "actually talking/getting to know people" stage. Mario and I were able to talk about how God has completely changed his and his family's life from one of drugs, alcohol, and being "crazy" as he said, to one centered around God. He is from Cuba and has only been here a little less than a year. It was really encouraging meeting another Christian. He was even quoting Romans to me saying "nothing can separate us from the love of God..." It was really cool meeting another Christian. Yesterday during our lunch break he said, "We pray for our lunch?" I was like yeah, go ahead! So right there in the workroom, he prayed (in Spanish) for mine and his lunch.
I was able to communicate with someone in Spanish today, which was great. I get sooo many people talking to me in Spanish. It's hard to follow sometimes. One guy I was helping was handing me clothes but I didn't know if he wanted them, or wanted me to put them back, so I was like, "tu quieres?" And he was like si!! He wanted them!! :)
I also got to talk to one of my coworkers Darrel about why we were here, etc. He asked if we were "really religious". That can be a hard question to answer because it means a lot of things to different people. To me, I would said no, I'm not religious. Because I consider religion jumping through hoops to try to get God to love and accept you. We don't have to perform for God to love us. Through Christ, we are fully accepted and pleasing to God. I said I didin't consider myself relgious, I just want to know God and have a relationship with him. We then got on a tangent about how he likes to read King James version of the Bible even though it takes him three times to understand what it was saying. I believe he feels it's more real and a better translation. Anyway.
We had our equpping night tonight. We talked about the difference between a club and a movement, which is what Campus Crusade is. The speaker related it to the civil rights movement, where there was passion, and enthusiasm, an issue that spread like crazy, and where people brought the movement out, didn't expect people to come to the movement. Anyway, just talking about how Crusade's mission is for "everyone to know someone who truly follows Jesus". It was good and I think a lot of people really needed to hear that and be reminded of that. UCF Cru does a pretty good job at working toward this mission. I don't think it's prideful to say what's true. The focus is so not on Christians huddling, but on reaching out, in whatever way we know how, to a campus that is about 95% unreached for Jesus. (Christian growth and discipleship is not a bad thing, but if that's all you do, the movement will plateau and become ineffective. The idea is for it to growth through multiplication).
Tomorrow is work, 10-5!! Must preserve! It can get tough, standing and doing store stuff for so long, but it is good and I am so thankful to have a job. Get paid tomorrow, I believe. We have to do some weird money transfer thing though because our checks are automatically put on a Visa card that charges fees when you use it... Lame.... so we have to transfer it to our bank which takes some time. Ok, this is really extraneous info now.
Decades in history dances on Saturday. My group is the 2000s. Awkward decade!! Non distinct! Be on the lookout for a video of that debauchery.
Seacrest, out.
Whoa! This was what one of my coworkers, Mario, said to me last Tuesday. We are getting passed the awkward, "hi, I'm Leah" stage, to the "actually talking/getting to know people" stage. Mario and I were able to talk about how God has completely changed his and his family's life from one of drugs, alcohol, and being "crazy" as he said, to one centered around God. He is from Cuba and has only been here a little less than a year. It was really encouraging meeting another Christian. He was even quoting Romans to me saying "nothing can separate us from the love of God..." It was really cool meeting another Christian. Yesterday during our lunch break he said, "We pray for our lunch?" I was like yeah, go ahead! So right there in the workroom, he prayed (in Spanish) for mine and his lunch.
I was able to communicate with someone in Spanish today, which was great. I get sooo many people talking to me in Spanish. It's hard to follow sometimes. One guy I was helping was handing me clothes but I didn't know if he wanted them, or wanted me to put them back, so I was like, "tu quieres?" And he was like si!! He wanted them!! :)
I also got to talk to one of my coworkers Darrel about why we were here, etc. He asked if we were "really religious". That can be a hard question to answer because it means a lot of things to different people. To me, I would said no, I'm not religious. Because I consider religion jumping through hoops to try to get God to love and accept you. We don't have to perform for God to love us. Through Christ, we are fully accepted and pleasing to God. I said I didin't consider myself relgious, I just want to know God and have a relationship with him. We then got on a tangent about how he likes to read King James version of the Bible even though it takes him three times to understand what it was saying. I believe he feels it's more real and a better translation. Anyway.
We had our equpping night tonight. We talked about the difference between a club and a movement, which is what Campus Crusade is. The speaker related it to the civil rights movement, where there was passion, and enthusiasm, an issue that spread like crazy, and where people brought the movement out, didn't expect people to come to the movement. Anyway, just talking about how Crusade's mission is for "everyone to know someone who truly follows Jesus". It was good and I think a lot of people really needed to hear that and be reminded of that. UCF Cru does a pretty good job at working toward this mission. I don't think it's prideful to say what's true. The focus is so not on Christians huddling, but on reaching out, in whatever way we know how, to a campus that is about 95% unreached for Jesus. (Christian growth and discipleship is not a bad thing, but if that's all you do, the movement will plateau and become ineffective. The idea is for it to growth through multiplication).
Tomorrow is work, 10-5!! Must preserve! It can get tough, standing and doing store stuff for so long, but it is good and I am so thankful to have a job. Get paid tomorrow, I believe. We have to do some weird money transfer thing though because our checks are automatically put on a Visa card that charges fees when you use it... Lame.... so we have to transfer it to our bank which takes some time. Ok, this is really extraneous info now.
Decades in history dances on Saturday. My group is the 2000s. Awkward decade!! Non distinct! Be on the lookout for a video of that debauchery.
Seacrest, out.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Humbled, honored
2 Corinthians 5:20
"We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God."
That represented my heart today as we headed out to Florida International University. Our project went to several different campuses today but me and about 20 other students and three staff headed out to FIU to share the Gospel. We used a tool called Soularium, which is a picture based survey used to initiate spiritual conversations. It is made up of 50 pictures a little bigger than the size of an index card. It comes with 5 questions you ask.
1) Choose 3 pictures that describe your life right now.
2) Choose 3 pictures you wish represented your life.
3) Choose 1 picture to describe God.
4) Choose 3 pictures to describe your spiritual life or journey.
5) Choose 3 pictures to describe what you wish your spiritual life or journey was like.
(Find out more about Soularium here: )
After they choose the pictures, you let them explain the significance and what they represent to them. Everyone who wasn't busy (study or going over time sensitive material) was very receptive and open to doing the survey. It's a non-confrontational way to approach people and you're just asking for their experiences and opinions, not telling them how anything is. It's conversation, an art that is sometimes lost in Gospel presentation. We're telling these people everything is about relationship, right? So we might as well listen to what they have to say.
Me and my friend Jodi were partnered up and went up to two people sitting down study. We asked if they would be interested in doing the survey and they agreed. The answers and explanations we got for some of the questions we asked were incredible.
"My spirit is searching for an environment it can come out in". "I just want to be free and happy and not worry". "I feel like I'm just trying to climb up to the next thing and my next achievement in life but I feel like there is something more, something spiritual tied to nature," These people were desperate for something more but didn't know the word for it. They didn't know how to describe their thirst. But it was clear they needed a Savior and Redeemer! They needed Christ.
I asked if I could go through the book Knowing God Personally with them and they both agreed. We got to the end where there are two circles: one has self on the throne of your life, the other has a cross representing Christ being on the throne. I asked them what circle represented their life. They both said the one on the left with self on the throne. I asked which one they wanted to represent their life and they said the one on the right. It was amazing, they were wanting Christ in their life. My heart was pounding as I was seeing this unfold before me. A soul on the cusp of coming to life. I read aloud through a prayer that modeled a desire to know God and to be forgiven and trust in Jesus. I asked them if that prayer matched the desire of their hearts and they said yes. So then and there, repeating after me, Denise and Joseph gave their life to Christ. It was amazing. To be there, to play a part in their eternity was surreal. Jodi and I wrote our names and numbers on the back of the booklets and gave them to them. We talked with them about coming to church on Sunday with us and about getting plugged in with the Campus Crusade for Christ on their campus. It was an honor to be involved in God's work, being used to share the good new of forgiveness.
That was the first time I had really sat down with a complete stranger and told the Gospel and had them accept it right on the spot. It was apparent that they were searching and seeking something, needing in their life but not finding it. Until today. I hope they will contact me, or even add me on facebook as we invited them to. I hope they continue to grow in their faith and understanding of what Christ has done for us. The forgiveness he offers freely to all who believe. Jodi and I got there contact number and probably will add them on facebook in a few days to see how they are and if they have questions, etc.
It was just a great experience and I could go home today and this trip would be worth it.
Thank you to everyone who has helped me get here. People want God in their life and are open to him and hearing about what he has done. There is life, there is acceptance, there is love. There is an end to performing to be accepted. There is an end to having to fear rejection. There is a way to become friends with God. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
"We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God."
That represented my heart today as we headed out to Florida International University. Our project went to several different campuses today but me and about 20 other students and three staff headed out to FIU to share the Gospel. We used a tool called Soularium, which is a picture based survey used to initiate spiritual conversations. It is made up of 50 pictures a little bigger than the size of an index card. It comes with 5 questions you ask.
1) Choose 3 pictures that describe your life right now.
2) Choose 3 pictures you wish represented your life.
3) Choose 1 picture to describe God.
4) Choose 3 pictures to describe your spiritual life or journey.
5) Choose 3 pictures to describe what you wish your spiritual life or journey was like.
(Find out more about Soularium here: )
After they choose the pictures, you let them explain the significance and what they represent to them. Everyone who wasn't busy (study or going over time sensitive material) was very receptive and open to doing the survey. It's a non-confrontational way to approach people and you're just asking for their experiences and opinions, not telling them how anything is. It's conversation, an art that is sometimes lost in Gospel presentation. We're telling these people everything is about relationship, right? So we might as well listen to what they have to say.
Me and my friend Jodi were partnered up and went up to two people sitting down study. We asked if they would be interested in doing the survey and they agreed. The answers and explanations we got for some of the questions we asked were incredible.
"My spirit is searching for an environment it can come out in". "I just want to be free and happy and not worry". "I feel like I'm just trying to climb up to the next thing and my next achievement in life but I feel like there is something more, something spiritual tied to nature," These people were desperate for something more but didn't know the word for it. They didn't know how to describe their thirst. But it was clear they needed a Savior and Redeemer! They needed Christ.
I asked if I could go through the book Knowing God Personally with them and they both agreed. We got to the end where there are two circles: one has self on the throne of your life, the other has a cross representing Christ being on the throne. I asked them what circle represented their life. They both said the one on the left with self on the throne. I asked which one they wanted to represent their life and they said the one on the right. It was amazing, they were wanting Christ in their life. My heart was pounding as I was seeing this unfold before me. A soul on the cusp of coming to life. I read aloud through a prayer that modeled a desire to know God and to be forgiven and trust in Jesus. I asked them if that prayer matched the desire of their hearts and they said yes. So then and there, repeating after me, Denise and Joseph gave their life to Christ. It was amazing. To be there, to play a part in their eternity was surreal. Jodi and I wrote our names and numbers on the back of the booklets and gave them to them. We talked with them about coming to church on Sunday with us and about getting plugged in with the Campus Crusade for Christ on their campus. It was an honor to be involved in God's work, being used to share the good new of forgiveness.
That was the first time I had really sat down with a complete stranger and told the Gospel and had them accept it right on the spot. It was apparent that they were searching and seeking something, needing in their life but not finding it. Until today. I hope they will contact me, or even add me on facebook as we invited them to. I hope they continue to grow in their faith and understanding of what Christ has done for us. The forgiveness he offers freely to all who believe. Jodi and I got there contact number and probably will add them on facebook in a few days to see how they are and if they have questions, etc.
It was just a great experience and I could go home today and this trip would be worth it.
Thank you to everyone who has helped me get here. People want God in their life and are open to him and hearing about what he has done. There is life, there is acceptance, there is love. There is an end to performing to be accepted. There is an end to having to fear rejection. There is a way to become friends with God. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Alarms hate early mornings too
To get to work by 7, we need to leave around 6:10. Which means getting up around 5:30. My alarm did not like that, so it did not go off. By some miracle, my body woke me up at 6:15 (five minute after I was supposed to be ready to go in the parking garage) so I called the people who were driving today and was like hey, go on ahead without me. I got ready in literally 5 minute, rode the elevator 37 flights down, then another 6 driving down in garage, and finally made it out to the rode. It was so absurdly early that traffic wasn't bad. I actually got there about the same time as the other girls, strange... But yeah, I made it! wooo
Today was intense because it is inventory time meaning they have to count and catalog everything in the store. And I mean EVERYTHING. Today was just counting, counting, and more counting! Very tedious and boring! And... to make it even better, my feet were killing me! I and bought some dress sandals yesterday because I needed black shoes and had been borrowing my roommate Erica's. But I got them at Ross and they have the security wire on them so you can't take real steps in them. Which is a shame because after the first step this morning, I was like wow, these are going to suck. And they did. They were rubbing my foot on the side which is no good when you walking around all day!
So going home was great! (Minus the 20 min ride turned 45 due to traffic!) We have been taking the GPS to help avoid tolls...but it may be worth it in the afternoons.... there was crazy traffic at 12:30..... 12:30!!! What is wrong with this picture!?
Today we had a social. The theme was kindergarden games/ school yard games. It was cute, we had four square, sharks and minnows, duck, duck, goose, and a tag game. We also had snacks. :) Fruit snacks, watermelon, animal crackers, and capri suns.
Tomorrow half of us will go to Christ Fellowship (via the metro mover, a.k.a. the people mover) in the morning and the other half will go to a new church that meets at night. I think the idea is to help another church and be there to serve them in their beginning stages. The second church has only been meeting for 6 weeks I heard.
We don't go back to work until Tuesday, I'm glad to have a break! At the same time I am very thankful to God to have a job, some people still don't. I've been able to talk to some of my coworkers a little bit. I'm trying to get to know them. One guy said he wanted to transfer to UCF for civil engineering. I told him that was a great place for that. Another girl goes to FIU. It's kind of hard because this is fast paced work, always something to do so there is not a lot of down time.
I think I'm finally getting in the swing of things here. I'm learning my way around, somewhat. The GPS has helped a lot. Except that time I pressed "fuel" and it took me to a nonexistent gas station...I know never to go out at 4:30 no matter what. I left at 4:30 to go to Target and got back at 6. Target is a mile and a half away. End of story.
So anyway! Things are going well. Monday we go to some of the college campuses and talk to people about Jesus, so that should be interesting. When we did the beach outreach thing (did I blog about that already?), most people were pretty receptive, no one was rude. We had little surveys for people and most agreed to do that, and we have a little booklet called that we go through with people depending on the situation and if they are willing. One of my room mates with another girl was able to lead someone to Christ! So that was cool.
That's all for now. <3
Today was intense because it is inventory time meaning they have to count and catalog everything in the store. And I mean EVERYTHING. Today was just counting, counting, and more counting! Very tedious and boring! And... to make it even better, my feet were killing me! I and bought some dress sandals yesterday because I needed black shoes and had been borrowing my roommate Erica's. But I got them at Ross and they have the security wire on them so you can't take real steps in them. Which is a shame because after the first step this morning, I was like wow, these are going to suck. And they did. They were rubbing my foot on the side which is no good when you walking around all day!
So going home was great! (Minus the 20 min ride turned 45 due to traffic!) We have been taking the GPS to help avoid tolls...but it may be worth it in the afternoons.... there was crazy traffic at 12:30..... 12:30!!! What is wrong with this picture!?
Today we had a social. The theme was kindergarden games/ school yard games. It was cute, we had four square, sharks and minnows, duck, duck, goose, and a tag game. We also had snacks. :) Fruit snacks, watermelon, animal crackers, and capri suns.
Tomorrow half of us will go to Christ Fellowship (via the metro mover, a.k.a. the people mover) in the morning and the other half will go to a new church that meets at night. I think the idea is to help another church and be there to serve them in their beginning stages. The second church has only been meeting for 6 weeks I heard.
We don't go back to work until Tuesday, I'm glad to have a break! At the same time I am very thankful to God to have a job, some people still don't. I've been able to talk to some of my coworkers a little bit. I'm trying to get to know them. One guy said he wanted to transfer to UCF for civil engineering. I told him that was a great place for that. Another girl goes to FIU. It's kind of hard because this is fast paced work, always something to do so there is not a lot of down time.
I think I'm finally getting in the swing of things here. I'm learning my way around, somewhat. The GPS has helped a lot. Except that time I pressed "fuel" and it took me to a nonexistent gas station...I know never to go out at 4:30 no matter what. I left at 4:30 to go to Target and got back at 6. Target is a mile and a half away. End of story.
So anyway! Things are going well. Monday we go to some of the college campuses and talk to people about Jesus, so that should be interesting. When we did the beach outreach thing (did I blog about that already?), most people were pretty receptive, no one was rude. We had little surveys for people and most agreed to do that, and we have a little booklet called that we go through with people depending on the situation and if they are willing. One of my room mates with another girl was able to lead someone to Christ! So that was cool.
That's all for now. <3
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
That's right, I now have a job at Calvin Klien! I called on Monday and was told they wanted to offer me the job and to come in on Tuesday. Six other girls from project also got hired there. I was so relieved to have a job! Really thankful to God and it's all the more impressive because of the limited days and hours we can work. We can work Tuesday-Saturday, open- 5pm only. So thanks to God for providing for us in spite of this limits!
The first day was a little mundane because they are doing inventory on the store. We have to make sure every item has a ticket with the barcode number. Yikes... Me and the three girls I drove worked 8:15-4, and then three others came in at noon. I had today off and will work again tomorrow. My shift is 8-12 so that is not bad at all. I will still have the rest of the day to be with people and then having our equipping night which we do on Thursday evenings.
Last night we had a "Crusade" meeting like I guess most schools do. There was a time for worship music and then we had a speaker talk to us. It was cool, kind of discusses some stuff we had been reading in our book The Search for Significance. It was a little strange to me to call it "Crusade" though because we don't do that at UCF, so I wasn't really sure where they were coming from. We stuff mostly focus on doing things to bring in non-Christians. But this was directed to Christians. It was a good meeting overall.
This morning Erica (my roommate) and I were playing keyboard together and going over some chord sheets. She is really good at piano and is even minoring in it. She is less familiar with playing chord sheets I think, and hasn't played in church or with a band before so I was trying to show her some what I do with that. Then I got to go out to the pool for a little bit. Then came back in and was writing down my testimony. We go over it with some who kind of "coaches" us on it so it is clear and can be presented to other people we come in contact with. I'm trying to figure out exactly what I want to say. It's hard to actually sit down and right it out. It's also a little less clear for me because I don't have a lot to go on as far as my life before Christ because I don't really remember that. I got saved when I was really little, like in elementary school. So I'm trying to be concise and explain my life and what Jesus means to me.
Tonight we have dinner with our small group which is our roommates + small group leader (staff member). Ours is named Katie. She is really sweet. She is from Jacksonville, FL and has been married for two years.
I still need to go to the post office or Publix for stamps to mail out reminder letters to people I sent support letters to but never got a response from. I also still have thank you postcards to send out... bad girl, Leah! Oh, and I should probably get my own black shoes to wear because yesterday I borrowed from someone.
Ok, all for now.
The first day was a little mundane because they are doing inventory on the store. We have to make sure every item has a ticket with the barcode number. Yikes... Me and the three girls I drove worked 8:15-4, and then three others came in at noon. I had today off and will work again tomorrow. My shift is 8-12 so that is not bad at all. I will still have the rest of the day to be with people and then having our equipping night which we do on Thursday evenings.
Last night we had a "Crusade" meeting like I guess most schools do. There was a time for worship music and then we had a speaker talk to us. It was cool, kind of discusses some stuff we had been reading in our book The Search for Significance. It was a little strange to me to call it "Crusade" though because we don't do that at UCF, so I wasn't really sure where they were coming from. We stuff mostly focus on doing things to bring in non-Christians. But this was directed to Christians. It was a good meeting overall.
This morning Erica (my roommate) and I were playing keyboard together and going over some chord sheets. She is really good at piano and is even minoring in it. She is less familiar with playing chord sheets I think, and hasn't played in church or with a band before so I was trying to show her some what I do with that. Then I got to go out to the pool for a little bit. Then came back in and was writing down my testimony. We go over it with some who kind of "coaches" us on it so it is clear and can be presented to other people we come in contact with. I'm trying to figure out exactly what I want to say. It's hard to actually sit down and right it out. It's also a little less clear for me because I don't have a lot to go on as far as my life before Christ because I don't really remember that. I got saved when I was really little, like in elementary school. So I'm trying to be concise and explain my life and what Jesus means to me.
Tonight we have dinner with our small group which is our roommates + small group leader (staff member). Ours is named Katie. She is really sweet. She is from Jacksonville, FL and has been married for two years.
I still need to go to the post office or Publix for stamps to mail out reminder letters to people I sent support letters to but never got a response from. I also still have thank you postcards to send out... bad girl, Leah! Oh, and I should probably get my own black shoes to wear because yesterday I borrowed from someone.
Ok, all for now.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Target closes @ 10!
Be advised, on Sundays Target closes at 10pm! Sam and I were trying to get groceries but were shut down. So we headed to Walgreens and got a pretty good deal! 99¢ for a dozen eggs! Sam was saying how that is how Walgreens makes their money; Good deals on a few things then outrageously priced on everything else! aka $5 hot dogs! haha
Today we had our first Sunday reflection time. It was really great. It's a scheduled two hours where we can read, think, and pray. We were given a book, The Search for Significance, by Robert S. McGee to read through and were given a few reflection questions to consider. Basically the book talks about how we feel the need to be loved and accepted and how that need will never be met by "success" or people or accomplishments. Nothing brings satisfaction other than Jesus Christ. It talks about understanding our worth because of what Jesus has done on the cross. When I first read the word "self-esteem" I was like....sketch!! Why esteem in yourself at all? Nothing good is there. But I liked how McGee went on to explain his position.
"Some secular psychologist focus on self-worth with a goal of simply feeling good about ourselves. A biblical self-concept, however, goes far beyond that limited perspective. It is an accurate perception of ourselves, God, and others based on the truths of God's Word. An accurate, biblical self-concept contains both strength and humility, both sorrow over sin and joy about forgiveness, a deep sense of our need for God's grace and a deep sense of the reality of God's grace."
It's more than just being positive and thinking good thoughts about yourself. It's basing your life, goals, and dreams off of the fact that you are loved by God. Deeply and unconditionaly. It was interesting that today at Christ Fellowship the speaker at one point was talking about love and saying it's not a feeling (or just a feeling I guess) but that it is an action. As an example, he emphasised the point that God DEMONSTERATED his love for us in this, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
So cool.
Thank you Jesus.
Today we had our first Sunday reflection time. It was really great. It's a scheduled two hours where we can read, think, and pray. We were given a book, The Search for Significance, by Robert S. McGee to read through and were given a few reflection questions to consider. Basically the book talks about how we feel the need to be loved and accepted and how that need will never be met by "success" or people or accomplishments. Nothing brings satisfaction other than Jesus Christ. It talks about understanding our worth because of what Jesus has done on the cross. When I first read the word "self-esteem" I was like....sketch!! Why esteem in yourself at all? Nothing good is there. But I liked how McGee went on to explain his position.
"Some secular psychologist focus on self-worth with a goal of simply feeling good about ourselves. A biblical self-concept, however, goes far beyond that limited perspective. It is an accurate perception of ourselves, God, and others based on the truths of God's Word. An accurate, biblical self-concept contains both strength and humility, both sorrow over sin and joy about forgiveness, a deep sense of our need for God's grace and a deep sense of the reality of God's grace."
It's more than just being positive and thinking good thoughts about yourself. It's basing your life, goals, and dreams off of the fact that you are loved by God. Deeply and unconditionaly. It was interesting that today at Christ Fellowship the speaker at one point was talking about love and saying it's not a feeling (or just a feeling I guess) but that it is an action. As an example, he emphasised the point that God DEMONSTERATED his love for us in this, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
So cool.
Thank you Jesus.
Great start to the day...
6:57 I get a call from Sam G-unit. Which was hard for my recently awakened brain to comprehend, considering I was suppose to be in the lobby at 6:45 to leave for church. In a scratchy, sleepy panic I uttered, "I slept through my alarm." But in reality I didn't sleep through anything, that alarm flat out did not go off! Dang! A few of us had signed up to help our church, Christ Fellowship, with the homeless ministry that happens on Sunday mornings. It starts around 7 and the church provides showers, haircuts, and meals, followed by a message. Then at 11 another service begins. We all met in the lobby and rode the people mover (it's like a monorail), the free public transportation, to church.
It was a great service similar to what I've heard coming out of Mars Hill. I'm pretty sure the sermon was modeled after Mark Driscoll's one on dating. The worship time was intense! A really talented band, almost reminded me of something hillsong. So that was really great and pleasant.
Came home and ate some spaghettios I really need to go to the store already and get bread and such. But so far I've been good on meals.
Last night we had a progressive dinner where we had different courses in the staffs' rooms around the condo (and we are talking some NICE rooms!!) We were split into groups of about 13 or so. Our groups order was very interesting...... desert, followed by punch, then appetizers, then salad, then main course (LASAGNA!). So that was kind of funny. It was cool though because it each room we got to meet/talk with the staff on a smaller group basis and we had discussion questions that everyone could answer. For example, one was "What movie start would you have play you in a move of your life?" I said Meg Ryan! Before she got weird.
Today is a rest day. No meetings or anything untill tonight we have a blocked out two hours for reflection with God etc. They have some materails for us to use I think. And we were also given a book we will read through and disucss. So anyway, that is what has gone on thus far today. Hope to swim later!
(P.S. I wore the white skirt today, Mom) =]
It was a great service similar to what I've heard coming out of Mars Hill. I'm pretty sure the sermon was modeled after Mark Driscoll's one on dating. The worship time was intense! A really talented band, almost reminded me of something hillsong. So that was really great and pleasant.
Came home and ate some spaghettios I really need to go to the store already and get bread and such. But so far I've been good on meals.
Last night we had a progressive dinner where we had different courses in the staffs' rooms around the condo (and we are talking some NICE rooms!!) We were split into groups of about 13 or so. Our groups order was very interesting...... desert, followed by punch, then appetizers, then salad, then main course (LASAGNA!). So that was kind of funny. It was cool though because it each room we got to meet/talk with the staff on a smaller group basis and we had discussion questions that everyone could answer. For example, one was "What movie start would you have play you in a move of your life?" I said Meg Ryan! Before she got weird.
Today is a rest day. No meetings or anything untill tonight we have a blocked out two hours for reflection with God etc. They have some materails for us to use I think. And we were also given a book we will read through and disucss. So anyway, that is what has gone on thus far today. Hope to swim later!
(P.S. I wore the white skirt today, Mom) =]
Thursday, May 27, 2010
First Post!
Hey to all my several fans out there. Yeah, I made a blog to recount my Miami Summer Project. I know you are all impressed!
Got here on Tuesday. Drove in with Bekah from Orlando. Unpacked and mingled around some. I have really nice roommates. Jodi grew up on a farm which is cool. She is from Iowa. Emma is from Mississippi and has a cute accent. Alana is my friend from UCF! Erica is from USF (go bulls).
Search for jobs today at the Dolphin Mall. Calvin Klein was the most promising, we got a short interview there. Hopefully they will call back! Put in some other applications but I liked CK best!
Today we split up into ministry teams. I'm on the REC team. We plan the CRU meeting on Tuesday and other things to build on the SP. I may play piano some during worship times, but I don't want to be too heavily involved to where I don't do other new things. I made that pretty clear, I was like hey, can we sign up to be involved somewhat, but not be totally committed or what? And they said yes, so we shall see.
I'm freaking tired. This was a pretty poorly written and sparsely detailed post but that's Miami for you.
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- Leah
- I am an Advertising/PR major at the University of Central Florida. Go Knights!