Tuesday, June 15, 2010

3 a.m. comes quick!

I knew it was coming. I tried settling down as soon as Women's time was over and I had a quick talk with my good friend Sam. I went to my room, took a shower, got ready for bed. The people practicing music for the next day graciously agreed to end their practice within the next 15 min. I laid down, the lights were off. Everything was still. An hour-ish later, I was still there, trying to sleep but I couldn't!
I felt the pressure to sleep. I knew 3 a.m. would come fast!

Why so early you ask?
I asked myself that very thing...

The answer was simple: floor sets.
At Calvin Klein, we were scheduled to come in and take part in the once-a-month rearrangement of the store. It was quite the experience being on the road at 3:25. It was strange to see people roaming the streets, and some people clearly not in their right minds, whether due to substance abuse or otherwise. We were definitely the first car in the parking lot, and the environment was eerily resemblant to a scene from Dawn of the Dead. A vacant mall. A silent parking lot with abandoned shopping carts. The set up was perfect. We all felt a little sketched out.

Work went by pretty quickly. Eating lunch around 7:30 was a little odd.
But I got to buy some jeans today which was great. $12.50. Hollerrrr associate's discount!

Yesterday was another adventure in sharing my faith. We went to Miami-Dade College, Kendall campus. Campus Crusade for Christ is not a registered student organization on that campus for reasons unbeknownst to me. So I was a littel weary and/or cautious going on the campus because one staff had mentioned that if security came up to you, to just be cool, etc. And that you should carry a back pack to "blend in". This had me a little leery.

But we ended up having some really good conversations. We used solarium again (http://mysoularium.com/) and the Knowing God Personally booklet (http://www.everystudent.com/features/gettingconnected.html) as a tool to help explain the Gospel. The first girl we talked to was just sitting by herself so Alana and I sat down to eat lunch with her. We talked and learned of her interest in Asian studies and how she planed to move to Asia and work in the embassy. She was from Peru and I found it interesting that the biggest difference between here and there, she said, was that here, she could breath the air. Amazing what we take for granted. She agreed to do the picture survey with us, and we were able to share the Gospel, but she wasn't ready to make a definitive decision for Christ at that time. Which I think is ok. It's the biggest decision one will make in a lifetime, so one should have a full understanding of it and reflect before jumping in.

Another girl, who said she came from a Catholic background but hadn't been to church since her first communion, seemed to agree somewhat with what we were saying, but had to leave for class so we couldn't discuss the Gospel further. She seemed to consider herself a Christian, but I' not sure if she really understood having a relationship with Jesus, which was hard to see. We gave her the KGP and she went on her way.

Lastly, after meeting at the "Food Spot" (MDC's awkward-looking high school cafeteria thing) and switching groups/partners, Jodie, Eric M. and I were off. We talked to this man named Gabriel (interesting namesake, considering the angel Gabriel announced the birth of Christ, and here were we announcing Christ to this man). He was very open, yet very questioning and confused about all the religions. He was skeptical of the fact that churches, he said, seemed to be all about money, and having a good face, and a good priest that would attract big crowds. Can't say I disagree with him there. He said he knew there was something out there bigger than ourselves but didn't know what. He said he prayed to God, but was still confused. We shared the Gospel with him and and explained that going to church (as he had mentioned a few times) does nothing for making a person good or bad, nor does it have any effect on salvation, nor any bearing on our eternity. We explained that it is by grace alone, through faith, that one comes to God. Through the gift of Jesus Christ we can come to God. We aren't trying to reach up anymore through feeble attempts at being a good person, rather GOD has reached down to us.
As we went through the KGP, he said he acknowledged that he was on the throne of his life, and said he wanted Christ to have that position. He wasnt' ready to make a decision right there, but I dont' think Gabriel is far from the kingdom of God. We gave him the KGP booklet and Eric and I gave him our phone numbers and invited him to call if he had any questions or wanted to discuss the matter further. It was really cool being able to share with someone who was so intently seeking the truth.

Tonight we will have our Cru night or whatever. We eat together at 6 at Christ Fellowship and then have Cru (aka worship and message). It's not my idea of "Cru"/weekly meeting coming from UCF's One80, but I am being open to the purpose of this meeting, which is to build up the project spiritually. It's been tough trying to stay positive sometimes, with some much change, including the stress and difficulty of work, but it's something I need God to help me do, because my actions and attitude effect others. God is helping me do that I think.

This is getting much too long, but I just wanted to mention that last night for men's and women's time, we each had a panel come in and do a Q and A session. Men staff went to the women's time, and women staff graced the men with their presence. Anyway, that was really good. And deep. Really made me think and consider my past, but more importantly, my future.

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