Sunday, May 30, 2010

Target closes @ 10!

Be advised, on Sundays Target closes at 10pm! Sam and I were trying to get groceries but were shut down. So we headed to Walgreens and got a pretty good deal! 99¢ for a dozen eggs! Sam was saying how that is how Walgreens makes their money; Good deals on a few things then outrageously priced on everything else! aka $5 hot dogs! haha

Today we had our first Sunday reflection time. It was really great. It's a scheduled two hours where we can read, think, and pray. We were given a book, The Search for Significance, by Robert S. McGee to read through and were given a few reflection questions to consider. Basically the book talks about how we feel the need to be loved and accepted and how that need will never be met by "success" or people or accomplishments. Nothing brings satisfaction other than Jesus Christ. It talks about understanding our worth because of what Jesus has done on the cross. When I first read the word "self-esteem" I was like....sketch!! Why esteem in yourself at all? Nothing good is there. But I liked how McGee went on to explain his position.
"Some secular psychologist focus on self-worth with a goal of simply feeling good about ourselves. A biblical self-concept, however, goes far beyond that limited perspective. It is an accurate perception of ourselves, God, and others based on the truths of God's Word. An accurate, biblical self-concept contains both strength and humility, both sorrow over sin and joy about forgiveness, a deep sense of our need for God's grace and a deep sense of the reality of God's grace."

It's more than just being positive and thinking good thoughts about yourself. It's basing your life, goals, and dreams off of the fact that you are loved by God. Deeply and unconditionaly. It was interesting that today at Christ Fellowship the speaker at one point was talking about love and saying it's not a feeling (or just a feeling I guess) but that it is an action. As an example, he emphasised the point that God DEMONSTERATED his love for us in this, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
So cool.
Thank you Jesus.

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