Monday, June 7, 2010

Humbled, honored

2 Corinthians 5:20
"We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God."

That represented my heart today as we headed out to Florida International University. Our project went to several different campuses today but me and about 20 other students and three staff headed out to FIU to share the Gospel. We used a tool called Soularium, which is a picture based survey used to initiate spiritual conversations. It is made up of 50 pictures a little bigger than the size of an index card. It comes with 5 questions you ask.

1) Choose 3 pictures that describe your life right now.
2) Choose 3 pictures you wish represented your life.
3) Choose 1 picture to describe God.
4) Choose 3 pictures to describe your spiritual life or journey.
5) Choose 3 pictures to describe what you wish your spiritual life or journey was like.

(Find out more about Soularium here: )

After they choose the pictures, you let them explain the significance and what they represent to them. Everyone who wasn't busy (study or going over time sensitive material) was very receptive and open to doing the survey. It's a non-confrontational way to approach people and you're just asking for their experiences and opinions, not telling them how anything is. It's conversation, an art that is sometimes lost in Gospel presentation. We're telling these people everything is about relationship, right? So we might as well listen to what they have to say.

Me and my friend Jodi were partnered up and went up to two people sitting down study. We asked if they would be interested in doing the survey and they agreed. The answers and explanations we got for some of the questions we asked were incredible.
"My spirit is searching for an environment it can come out in". "I just want to be free and happy and not worry". "I feel like I'm just trying to climb up to the next thing and my next achievement in life but I feel like there is something more, something spiritual tied to nature," These people were desperate for something more but didn't know the word for it. They didn't know how to describe their thirst. But it was clear they needed a Savior and Redeemer! They needed Christ.
I asked if I could go through the book Knowing God Personally with them and they both agreed. We got to the end where there are two circles: one has self on the throne of your life, the other has a cross representing Christ being on the throne. I asked them what circle represented their life. They both said the one on the left with self on the throne. I asked which one they wanted to represent their life and they said the one on the right. It was amazing, they were wanting Christ in their life. My heart was pounding as I was seeing this unfold before me. A soul on the cusp of coming to life. I read aloud through a prayer that modeled a desire to know God and to be forgiven and trust in Jesus. I asked them if that prayer matched the desire of their hearts and they said yes. So then and there, repeating after me, Denise and Joseph gave their life to Christ. It was amazing. To be there, to play a part in their eternity was surreal. Jodi and I wrote our names and numbers on the back of the booklets and gave them to them. We talked with them about coming to church on Sunday with us and about getting plugged in with the Campus Crusade for Christ on their campus. It was an honor to be involved in God's work, being used to share the good new of forgiveness.

That was the first time I had really sat down with a complete stranger and told the Gospel and had them accept it right on the spot. It was apparent that they were searching and seeking something, needing in their life but not finding it. Until today. I hope they will contact me, or even add me on facebook as we invited them to. I hope they continue to grow in their faith and understanding of what Christ has done for us. The forgiveness he offers freely to all who believe. Jodi and I got there contact number and probably will add them on facebook in a few days to see how they are and if they have questions, etc.

It was just a great experience and I could go home today and this trip would be worth it.
Thank you to everyone who has helped me get here. People want God in their life and are open to him and hearing about what he has done. There is life, there is acceptance, there is love. There is an end to performing to be accepted. There is an end to having to fear rejection. There is a way to become friends with God. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.


  1. Leah! Firstly, let me say, you are an excellent blogger. I love how you explain everything clearly!! (And I appreciated that you update! Some of us not in Miami wish we were!)
    Secondly, Praise God! I have already read at least 2 different stories of amazing opportunities of sharing the gospel on your trip, and you have only been there 2 weeks!! I am continually growing more excited for you all!! Love from O-town!

  2. Thank you so much Lydia for your encouragement. And thanks for reading. It's nice to know people from UCF are sharing this with me. I miss everyone in Orlando but am having a good time here. Work can be grueling but I'm pushing through! Starting to have spiritual conversations with coworkers. Praying for God's hand in everything I do. See you soon. :)

  3. This is sooooo good! Realize Leah that this doesn't just change those girls lives. Because they gave their life to Christ their kids will live in a Christian home. Those girls could possibly share the Gospel with others. There's no limit to how God will use this occasion. Thanks for the encouragement!
